Weeds Can Be Our Friends

Did you know that weeds are the super warriors of our planet and can be our friends? Now hang on, before you click away, this is revolutionising information. We realise the topic of weeds might be boring, but it’s really isn’t! Take a read…

When you help your parents in the garden, whether in the flower garden or a veggie garden, you probably want to curse the weeds that keep finding their way back. You pull them out and it seems like in an instant they pop right back up. Maybe you reach for weed killer hoping you won’t hurt the plants you want to keep but still nothing happens.

Well, nothing other than adding harmful chemicals to your consumable veggies and the earth’s ecosystem.  Oopsie daisy! Haha, I said Daisy! Let’s rather try working with weeds, instead of against them.

Weeds are so hard to get rid of because let’s face it, they were there first. And in the past, some weeds were actually used in cooking and for medicines. So, they have some benefits for us!

How weeds can be our friends:

That’s right, many weeds are edible and tasty. They are high in minerals and vitamins, but be careful and learn which ones are safe to use before you tell your mom to pop them in your lamb potjie.

Different weeds can tell us things to consider about the soil before planting. Things such as, what the soil condition is like; if there is a specific mineral there, or how wet the soil is. Knowing conditions like that allows us to know which plants will do well in that same spot. Letting weeds tell us what to plant gives us a greater chance of a good harvest. Thank you very much Mr. and Mrs. Weed!

Weeds Can Be Our FriendsWeeds also contribute to rebuilding and restoring soil that has been overplanted, over-sprayed, and stripped of precious minerals. Their superhero strength is in thriving when other weaker varieties of plant life fail, helping to rebuild a healthy, rich, and nutrient-dense topsoil. Yay for us!

And let’s not forget our little insect friends. Flowering weeds attract bees and butterflies that pollinate our fruits, vegetables and other flowering plants and keep the environment thriving.

A nice thatch of weeds also provides shelter for frogs, lizards, and even snakes (shudder) which in turn keep unwanted insects under control.

See it’s all a fine balance when it comes to nature. Think of your garden as its own little world. If one little thing is off, it throws the whole thing out of whack! So go ahead and pull out the weeds closets to the plants you want to keep but maybe allow some weeds to restore the soil and protect the ecosystem in between.

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Working Wisely with Weeds

Weeds Can Be Our Friends

Weeds can be our friends

Why can't WEED be friends?

Did you know that weeds are the super warriors of our planet? Now hang on, before you click away, this is revolutionising information. We realise the topic of weeds might be boring, but it really isn’t! Take a read…

Weeds are the super warriors of our planet!

Now hang on, before you click away, this is revolutionising information.

We realise the topic of weeds might be boring, but it really isn’t!

Take a read…

Did you know that weeds are the super warriors of our planet? Now hang on, before you click away, this is revolutionising information. We realise the topic of weeds might be boring, but it really isn’t! Take a read…

When you help your parents in the garden, whether in the flower garden or a veggie
garden, you probably want to curse the weeds that keep finding their way back.

You pull them out and it seems like in an instant they pop right back up.

Maybe you reach for weed killer hoping you won’t hurt the plants you want
to keep but still nothing happens.

Well, nothing other than adding harmful chemicals to your consumable
veggies and the earth’s ecosystem.

Oopsie daisy! Haha, I said Daisy!

Let’s rather try working with weeds, instead of against them.

Weeds are so hard to get rid of because let’s face it, they were there first.

And in the past, some weeds were actually used in cooking and for medicines.

So, they have some benefits for us!

Weeds are so hard to get rid of because let’s face it, they were there first. And in the past, some weeds were actually used in cooking and for medicines. So, they have some benefits for us!

That’s right, many weeds are edible and tasty.

They are high in minerals and vitamins, but be careful and learn which
ones are safe to use before you tell your mom to pop them in your lamb poItjie.

Different weeds can tell us things to consider about the soil before planting.

Things such as, what the soil condition is like; if there is a specific mineral there,
or how wet the soil is. Knowing conditions like that allows us to know which plants will do well in that same spot.

Letting weeds tell us what to plant gives us a greater chance of a good harvest.

Thank you very much Mr. and Mrs. Weed!

Weeds also contribute to rebuilding and restoring soil that has been overplanted,
over-sprayed, and stripped of precious minerals.

Their superhero strength is in thriving when other weaker varieties of plant life fail,
helping to rebuild a healthy, rich, and nutrient-dense topsoil.

Yay for us!

And let’s not forget our little insect friends. Flowering weeds attract bees and
butterflies that pollinate our fruits, vegetables, and other flowering
plants and keep the environment thriving.

And let’s not forget our little insect friends. Flowering weeds attract bees and butterflies that pollinate our fruits, vegetables, and other flowering plants and keep the environment thriving.

A nice thatch of weeds also provides shelter for frogs, lizards and even snakes
(shudder) which in turn keep unwanted insects under control.

A nice thatch of weeds also provides shelter for frogs, lizards and even snakes (shudder) which in turn keep unwanted insects under control.

You see, it’s all a fine balance when it comes to nature.

Think of your garden as its own little world.
If one little thing is off, it throws the whole thing out of whack!

So, go ahead and pull out the weeds closets to the plants you want to keep but
maybe allow some weeds to restore the soil and protect the ecosystem in between.

See it’s all a fine balance when it comes to nature. Think of your garden as its own little world. If one little thing is off, it throws the whole thing out of whack! So, go ahead and pull out the weeds closets to the plants you want to keep but maybe allow some weeds to restore the soil and protect the ecosystem in between.

Please follow us on Facebook and visit UR-Blog

for fantastic gardening lessons.

Weeds are the super warriors of our planet!

Now hang on, before you click away, this is revolutionising information.

We realise the topic of weeds might be boring, but it really isn’t!

Take a read…

Did you know that weeds are the super warriors of our planet? Now hang on, before you click away, this is revolutionising information. We realise the topic of weeds might be boring, but it really isn’t! Take a read…

When you help your parents in the garden, whether in the flower garden or a veggie
garden, you probably want to curse the weeds that keep finding their way back.

You pull them out and it seems like in an instant they pop right back up.

Maybe you reach for weed killer hoping you won’t hurt the plants you want
to keep but still nothing happens.

Well, nothing other than adding harmful chemicals to your consumable
veggies and the earth’s ecosystem.

Oopsie daisy! Haha, I said Daisy!

Let’s rather try working with weeds, instead of against them.

Weeds are so hard to get rid of because let’s face it, they were there first.

And in the past, some weeds were actually used in cooking and for medicines.

So, they have some benefits for us!

Weeds are so hard to get rid of because let’s face it, they were there first. And in the past, some weeds were actually used in cooking and for medicines. So, they have some benefits for us!

That’s right, many weeds are edible and tasty.

They are high in minerals and vitamins, but be careful and learn which
ones are safe to use before you tell your mom to pop them in your lamb poItjie.

Different weeds can tell us things to consider about the soil before planting.

Things such as, what the soil condition is like; if there is a specific mineral there,
or how wet the soil is. Knowing conditions like that allows us to know which plants will do well in that same spot.

Letting weeds tell us what to plant gives us a greater chance of a good harvest.

Thank you very much Mr. and Mrs. Weed!

Weeds also contribute to rebuilding and restoring soil that has been overplanted,
over-sprayed, and stripped of precious minerals.

Their superhero strength is in thriving when other weaker varieties of plant life fail,
helping to rebuild a healthy, rich, and nutrient-dense topsoil.

Yay for us!

And let’s not forget our little insect friends. Flowering weeds attract bees and
butterflies that pollinate our fruits, vegetables, and other flowering
plants and keep the environment thriving.

And let’s not forget our little insect friends. Flowering weeds attract bees and butterflies that pollinate our fruits, vegetables, and other flowering plants and keep the environment thriving.

A nice thatch of weeds also provides shelter for frogs, lizards and even snakes
(shudder) which in turn keep unwanted insects under control.

A nice thatch of weeds also provides shelter for frogs, lizards and even snakes (shudder) which in turn keep unwanted insects under control.

You see, it’s all a fine balance when it comes to nature.

Think of your garden as its own little world.
If one little thing is off, it throws the whole thing out of whack!

So, go ahead and pull out the weeds closets to the plants you want to keep but
maybe allow some weeds to restore the soil and protect the ecosystem in between.

See it’s all a fine balance when it comes to nature. Think of your garden as its own little world. If one little thing is off, it throws the whole thing out of whack! So, go ahead and pull out the weeds closets to the plants you want to keep but maybe allow some weeds to restore the soil and protect the ecosystem in between.

Please follow us on Facebook and visit

UR-Blog for fantastic gardening lessons.